
Institutional Perspective Plan and its Deployment

Mahitosh Nandy Mahavidyalaya was established to cater to the local need for a higher educational institution. After passing the school level examinations, the local students had to move a long way to pursue under-graduation courses. Consequently, a number of local residents were compelled to abandon their dreams of higher education at the very nascent stage. The formation of this college (2007), however, revived these dreams and opened up avenues of higher education for the rural youth.

Perspective Plan

Since its inception, the institution has been trying to develop itself in order to impart higher education in a more meaningful way. In recent times, the advent of NEP 2020 has, further, made the college to chalk out the Perspective Plan to cope with the changing educational scenario.

  1. In order to enhance the student strength, the college has taken the initiative to introduce new UG courses on the basis of the demand of the students.
  2. The library is the heart of a college. It requires expertize knowledge to be in good health. The college does not have any sanctioned post for the library in spite of repeated appeals to the State Higher Education Department. Moreover, financial paucity acts as a barrier to the enhancement of the number of books. The institution is trying hard to come out of this gloomy situation.
  3. Upgradation of the ICT enabled teaching-learning process is one of the most important perspective plans of the institution.
  4. Introduction of add-on courses, value added courses, skill development trainings, etc. for the wider theoretical and practical knowledge of the students is also an important part of the plan.
  5. Development of research and publication related activities in the college for the improvement of not only the teaching faculty but also the students, is one of the major aspects of the plan. The college plans to form a Research and Development Cell to initiate the process.
  6. Introduction of career oriented programmes and strengthening the Career Counselling Cell for the professional interests of the students is one of the future plans undertaken by the institution.
  7. Being a co-educational institution, women’s safety is always a top priority. The college has a plan to organise more programmes on this subject for spreading awareness.
  8. Formation of an alumni association is an another future plan of the institution in the comeing year
  9. The college is striving to achieve a green college campus which is the need of the hour.
  10. Ultimately, the holistic development of the students has always remained the core mission of the college.


The IQAC of the college prepared the above mentioned Perspective Plan in December 2022 for the next five years. For the execution of the plan, some initiatives have already been taken by the college:

  1. A non-teaching member of the college has been deputed to the college library for the benefit of the students.
  2. The members of the teaching faculty have donated the complementary copies of the books they received from the publishers to meet the need of the students.
  3. A few ICT, like, a smart class room, a mini projector, four Computers have been arranged for the students.
  4. Feedback mechanism has been introduced to improve the academic performance and ambience of the institution.
  5. The Internal Complaints Committee has organized an awareness campaign on sexual harassment of women at workplace.
  6. The NSS unit of the college has taken some initiatives to make the campus clean and green.

However, there is a long way to go. And this journey requires both the coordination between the thought process and its implementation and monetary support. We hope that we will meet our goal.