About the College

About the College

Mahitosh Nandy Mahavidyalaya started its glorious journey on 12th July 2007 in a small building of Jangipara D.N. High School in the morning session under the supervision of Dr. Chandidas Mukhopadhyaya, former Principal of Chapadanga Rabindra Mahavidyalaya. Within few years the college got its own building and a fully new establishment in its present location. Thanks to the monumental efforts of the then Honourable Education Minister, Government of West Bengal, Dr. Sudarshan Roychowdhury.

The college is situated in the rural hinterland of Hooghly district, located at a distance of 13 km from Seakhala and 16 km from Haripal station. The college is surrounded by lush greenery and is away from the din and bustle of city life.

Named after notable freedom fighter Shri Mahitosh Nandy (1918-1992), born at Garbati, near Chandannagar Hooghly, Mahitosh Nandy Mahavidyalaya aims to impart higher education to the students of this rural area.

The long cherished dream of the people of this area would not have become a reality had not Shri Monsharam Chauli and brothers and sisters generously donated the land to establish this college here. Besides, a grant of Rs 45 lakhs each from the Education Minister, Government of West Bengal, Dr. Sudarshan Roychowdhury and Honourable Member of Parliament Shri Santashree Chatterjee, a grant of Rs 36 lakhs from the Higher Education Department, Government of West Bengal went a long way in developing the infrastructure of the college. The college also received a grant of Rs 5 lakhs from Zila Pariishad. A grant of Rs 30 Lakhs also received from former Honourable Member of Parliament Md. Ruhul Amin. A grant of Rs 9.5 lakhs also received from the present Member of Legislative Assembly Shri Snehasish Chakraborty. All these contributions have been utilised to develop the infrastructure, enriching our resources and collecting modern equipment that are required in modern teaching and learning.

The college got recognition under Section 2F on September 2014 and 12 B of the UGC on April 2018.

The main objective of Mahitosh Nandy Mahavidyalaya, Jangipara, Hooghly is to impart higher education to the young generation of this rural area, who had to travel 15 to 20 kms to reach to the nearest degree college.

Within this short period of time Mahitosh Nandy Mahavidyalaya has started to bloom in all spheres of educational excellence. Being affiliated to University of Calcutta, it offers Honours and General courses in the subjects like Arabic, Bengali, English, History, Sanskrit Philosophy and Education along with General Degree Course in Geography and Political Science.

Though many students are first generation learners, the college has started to show excellence in academic field through its notable results in the university examinations. Even some students passed out from our college have shown excellence by qualifying in NET/ SET Examinations, after having completed their Master Degrees.

Seminars and talks are organised to increase the horizon of knowledge of the students.

The college provides several facilities to the physically challenged to continue their education.

Mahitosh Nandy Mahavidyalaya offers quality and holistic education to students, which not only helps them to stand on their own feet, but to become a good human being as well by instilling essential values in their minds.

A Brief Introduction To Mahitosh Nandy

The person, after whom this college is named Mahitosh Nandy, was born in 1918 in the village Garbati near Chandannagore in the district of Hooghly. He finished his school education from Garbati High School and took admission in Chandannagore Dupley College. When he was a student of class-viii, he came in contact with Durgadas Seth, the famous revolutionary leader of Chandannagore. In the year 1933 Mahitosh Nandy joined Indian Proletarian Revolutionary Party and the very next year the Communist Party. In 1935 he passed the Matric Examination. During this period he passed many sleepless nights writing brochure for broadcasting the precepts of revolutionary movement for the freedom of India from the British rule. His father burnt some of his necessary papers and brochures in fear of the British police. It hurt him strongly, and in anger and agony he left his house at the tender age of sixteen, and never returned again.

Mahitosh Nandy was a freedom fighter which was his only identity. His longing for freedom forced him to quit home at sixteen. His life was dedicated to the desolate, deprived and oppressed people. India won freedom in 1947, but Goa still remained under the Portuguese rule. When Goa Freedom Committee was formed Mahitosh Nandy was the only Bengali who joined it. Portuguese soldiers shot him in his knee. He fell down and lost sense. Considering him dead, his enemies left him. But later he was rescued by his fellowmen. That wound in one of his knees brought difficulty for him in walking. He was a simple man. He had neither vanity nor any other ambition except the one of freeing his countrymen from the bondage of the British rule. Even in the literacy movement also he played a vital role. Time came when his health become worse owing to confinement for a long period of time. His disease- infested body could not bear the pangs of asthma. On 10th February, 1992 he passed away. Naming the college after this great person is a humble effort to honour the great son of the soil.